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One of the factions that will be introduced in World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King expansion is the Explorer's League. Bent on finding the truth behind the lineage of the Dwarven race and if they do have connections with the all-powerful titans, the faction has scoured the whole of Azeroth for information. Although they've gathered important facts and documents that would link Dwarves to the Titans, it was not until they reached Northrend that they struck gold. There, they found a race of long lost dwarves known as Iron Dwarves. It would seem that they would get the answer they need from their own ilk, but unfortunately, each Iron Dwarf was against the advances of the League. The reason for this is still unknown. However, if in case you meet this vicious and violent race, you should know everything you can about them. Below are some facts about the Iron Dwarves.

Where Are They Found?

The Iron Dwarves can be found in the Grizzly Hills. There, they have a capital city known as Thor Modan. They also are found in several other locations, listed below:

* At Baelgun's Excavation Site and the Giant's Run in the Howling Fjord
* In Dun Argol and Thor Modan in the Grizzly Hills
* In the Halls of Lightning, Halls of Stone, and Narvir's Cradle at the Storm Peaks

Be cautious once you see an Iron Dwarf. If they are violent against the good intentions of their own kind, what more of strangers?

How Do They Look Like?

From afar, you'll know it's an Iron Dwarf approaching you because of the blue lightning that courses under their metallic skin. Once you get near one, you'll notice that aside from the metallic skin and the blue lightning, they look similar to most dwarves. They range from three to almost five feet for males and around four feet for females. Like some dwarves, they too have runes of power etched on their metal skin. They wear thick, heavy armors of metal, as well as battleaxes and hammers of meta for weapons.

What Can They Do?

Aside from their dwarven strength (which we all know is formidable), an Iron Dwarf also has skills in making iron golems and even construct cities out of metal. Of course, their own armors and weapons are self-made. So add brutal strength with exceptional armor and possibly golem assitants, the Iron Dwarves are definitely enemies to watch out for.

Tips and Tactics:

As of now, I don't have enough knowledge about this race and their fighting technique to give you the customary tips and tactics. But what I can tell you though is that you should come into the battle ready. Make sure you are always in top form, may it be your gear or weapons. There's no telling what other trickes these dwarves have up their sleeves, but it's best to be ready for it.

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Needless to say, in the myriad of creatures that are present in the World of Warcraft universe, there would always be some whose appearances are deceptive. Consider Exhibit A known as a Shoveltusk. This magnificent and noble creature will make its first appearance in the latest expansion of the hit MMORPG game. The expansion, known as Wrath of the Lich King, will not only showcase Shoveltusks as background creatures, but would actually be killable mobs. You might be wondering why, when if you look at the creatures, they seem harmless enough. Yes, they do have gigantic tusks and antlers protruding from their heads, but they don't seem pretty fierce, you seem to be thinking. Well, you're all sorts of wrong. Read on to know more about these creatures and why you should avoid them if you're not at top form.


As I mentioned above, a Shoveltusk is immediately recognizable by the huge, curving, and pronged antlers that seem to cover the top of its face and springs up above it, like a crown. From their jaw, two long, sharp tusks exude, reminiscent of this world's mammoths. The massive antlers are used to fight with the males over females or territory, while the husks are generally used to get food from the ground. A mane of fur covers their necks and they have a sleek, lean body covered in fine hair. Their sizes are not exactly huge, but there have been rumors that they could actually be used as mounts, especially by the Taunka and Iron Dwarf races. But overall, not really scary, right? If you compare Shoveltusks with creatures like the Murlocs, who are downright frightening in appearance, the Shoveltusks seem almost lovable. But wait, you don't know the best part yet!


This is where the danger comes in when encountering a Shoveltusk. The creatures are fiercely territorial. If they are fond of using their antlers and their tusks against other males who invade on their territory, they are as eager to use it on adventurers, travelers, or just anyone unlucky enough to venture into their feeding grounds. They attack without hesitation and usually in groups. Imagine yourself the target of dozens of those huge antlers and you'll realize how dangerous these creatures actually are.

How to Fight Them:

If you really WANT to try your luck in facing these formidable creatures, then make sure that your armor and gear are all in top form. Never allow yourself to get cornered by them, as well as being in the center of an attack. Consider yourself a goner if that happens. Constant movement is the key here. By moving around, you will get to avoid the majority of the creature's attacks. You can then focus your own attacks one Shoveltusk at a time. Good luck!

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Even the most experienced gamer would never underestimate the powers of the Lich King and his Scourge. If the Alliance and the Horde are teaming up to bring him down, the Lich King is definitely going to pull out all his cards and make sure that he stops attackers way before they even touch the Icecrown Citadel. Thus, the Lich King created monstrosities of such immense power that they are considered the Scourge's most destructive and most feared army. Known as a Plague Eruptor, it is capable of causing not only physical destruction, but plague contagion as well. If you happen to see on coming your way, you better have a good gameplan on how to attack them because it's not going to be easy to bring them down! Below are some details about this Undead monstrosity.

Why Are They Dangerous?

A Plague Eruptor is basically like a zombie. It is a reanimated corpse. The difference, however, is that unlike zombies who are weaker and a lot slower, Plague Eruptors are brutally strong and surprisingly fast, given their size and bulk. Not only that, they are violent in nature. Zombies might not attack right away, but don't expect the same treatment from these monsters. They would automatically treat anyone they meet or who impinges on their territory as enemies. So caution is much needed. As if strength and speed wasn't enough, there's one more weapon in this creature's arsenal that will definitely have you skirting them or trying to get far away from them. If you look at these creatures, you'll see that their bodies are covered in perhaps hundreds of oozing, throbbing pustules filled with greenish liquid. These are right on their skin and can explode at any time. Anyone near a Plague Eruptor would immediately be struck with the Lich King's plague if this happens.

Where are They Found?

Most of these monstrosities are found in the Court of Skulls in Dragonblight. Those of harder temperaments and even stronger resolve can kill the mobs of these creatures there. Some can be seen lurching around other areas in Northrend, but their highest concentration is in Dragonblight.

How Do I Fight Them?

I'm not much of a battle tactician and I don't have any experience with these creatures. However, by the looks of it, it would seem that the best tactic for this would be the spank and tank tactic. Attack with all your team's strength, then have your team's tanks take on the most damage, while ranged attackers still plow the monster with spells and arrows (if you have them). This way, a Plague Eruptor can only harm those nearest him (the Tank) and the rest of the team can concentrate on getting the creature down. However, if you factor in the fact that these creatures are of considerable speed, it's going to be a lot harder. Just make sure that you have a battle plan going on and that your gears and armors are all top-notch. Hopefully, you'll be fine.

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Lots of gamers have been waiting for the new expansion of World of Warcraft, the Wrath of the Lich King. There are now new changes like the level cap raised to 80, brand new profession introduced, new class being added, new zones, and new dungeons have been opened. The race to be at level 80, reach 450 with a profession has now begun.

If you are not familiar with Joana's guide, this the first ever leveling guide to be released back in 2006 for World of Warcraft. This is probably the most used leveling reference, and really has become the staple of the WOW community, and now, with WOTLK.

Now for Joana's WOTLK Horde Leveling Guide Review, below are some points :
This guide contains an optimized leveling paths, and will explain the fastest way to do most of the horde quest in the least possible amount of time, meaning getting horde characters to 80 by finding the fastest routes.

In-Game Mod
This also comes with an in-game mod that can be used while you are playing the game without having to switch in and out of it, or alt-tabbing. You can sit in-game and read how to complete a quest instead of alt-tabbing, going online, and looking up the information somewhere else.

Videos and step-by-step guides are provided
They are organized and easy to use. They are also comprehensive and there are detailed screenshots for every quest mobs, quest path and quest givers inside the game, and tells you which ones you should and should not accept for you to level up in the fastest possible time.

Getting from 70-80 in the least possible amount of time
A leveling path for Northrend has been developed in this guide that can likely get you from 70-80 around 2 days of play time. Extensive Testing are done with all the horde quests through Northrend.

Patch Updates
The guide is and always will be updated for every patch, and that includes all new Wrath of the Lich King content.

A Major Disadvantage : Horde only
For the cons, this guide is for the Horde only, and they will not produce one for the alliance.

Modules included :
70-80 WOTLK Guide
55-60 Death Knight Leveling Guide
Death Knight Strategy Guide

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So many players of World of Warcraft choose the rogue, but why is this? Well in short, the rogue is unmatched in speed, can deliver substantial hits, and specializes in crippling techniques. This is also why your opponents hate the rogue as much as you love it! With the right character and the right pvp rogue build, the sky truly is the limit. It's time to learn how to tap in to the potential of your rogue.

The info I'm going to teach you has gotten me out of much trouble. This build advice is genuine, no wowwikki, because everyone uses that site. You can't get ahead of the competition with their builds due to everyone using them, but I'll show you a website where you can get more than ahead. Now let us begin with our assessment of the rogue.

Learn the Character. To fight as a rogue you must first know the character. Any pvp rogue build you come up with will be useless if you don't know how to use it. The idea with the Rogue class is to stun your opponent, making him unable to fight back and let you take control. When you are battling out in the open your deadliest weapon is the element surprise. Obviously if your opponent doesn't know you are stalking them, their guard will be down. This is your chance to pounce; always strike with crippling poison so the poor player has no chance of escape. If you place crippling poison on your main hand, your likeliness of crippling the enemy with skyrocket to near 100% if you land the first hit. Landing the first shot is easy if you pop out of nowhere on them. I suggest not using is deadly poison however. It breaks disorients like gouge and blind, so it's not worth the hit difficulty.

Ambush and Backstab. Believe it or not, many players overlook the amazing techniques called ambush and backstab. They fail to realize that with the rogue class you kill a target with big burst damage. However, this does depend on what your target is. Mages, priests, druids, and other rogues can be killed easily taking into account their armour and of coarse hit points. Ambush and backstab are reliable ways to get huge damage in early in fights. It's a must that you take advantage of them by placing the improved versions of each. Hit accurately and don't leave yourself open for too many hits.

Some Extra Tips. Your pvp rogue build should be based of the ability to stun opponents and win fights. But a few classes/races have substantially high stun resistance that you must pay attention to. Most priests have a 15% stun resistance talent, defensive warriors can also have 15% stun resistance, and most scary of all, the orc race has 25% stun resistance standard (without any armour or other upgrade). Learning to deal with this by using mostly ambush will bring you many more victories then you would have expected.

The rogue class is a favourite of many for these reasons and more. If you would like to learn more about how to fully become an elite rogue, you should check out this site.

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Azeroth, the setting of the vastly popular MMORPG known as World of Warcraft is teeming with creatures of every imaginable size and kind. In the game's latest expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, players will get to meet many of these creatures, some old and beloved or hated others new and definitely interesting. One of the creatures that you might meet in the expansion is a Nerubian Vizier. Ruthless, cunning, and immensely powerful, these creatures are fearsome enemies and equally useful allies. To have them on one's side would definitely give you an advantage. There is a lot to know about these creatures. For their brief history, read on.

The Rise and Fall of the Nerubians

According to lore, the Nerubians have existed in an underground kingdom in Northrend since time immemorial. There, the peaceful and scholarly tribe of spider people lived in peace, rarely venturing out of their kingdom and into the surface and preferring the study of magic and the gathering of knowledge than warfare and bloodshed. For centuries, their might was undisputed. It was said that their collection of magical tomes rivaled that of Dalaran, and that the expanse of their wondrous kingdom cannot be covered in mere months. However, when the Lich King arrived in Northrend, he immediately senses that the Nerubians, of all the denizens of the continent, were the only ones who posed him some considerable threat. Thus, he planned to annihilate the whole city and its people, from the mightiest Nerubian Vizier to even the kingdom's helpless normal citizens. Far from being a weak race and untrained in war, the Nerubians shed their scholarly skin and fought with equal vigor and violence. However, the Lich King and his innumerable army of the Undead won in the end. The kingdom lay in ruins and the Spider people all but wiped out.

A Lingering Hope

But all was not lost. There were Nerubians who escaped and plotted revenge against the Lich King and his Scourge. It is said that the survivors, from the Nerubian Vizier stripped of his power, to the common Spider-people who ached for their lost land, vowed to bring the Lich King down. The Nerubian Viziers led the renegade attacks against the Scourge, and with their sorcery and arcane knowledge, they became the leaders of what was left with the once powerful kingdom.

Nerubians, Today

In the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, you would more likely see a Nerubian Vizier than ever before. They are leading their people against the ultimate battle against the Scourge. It is rumored that they are working for a Nerubian emperor, although this remains unverified. Still, having the Nerubians and their leaders, whether they just be the Nerubian Viziers or an Emperor in the Shadows, as allies in the war against the Scourge is definitely an advantage.

Do you want to always be one step ahead of everyone else in Wrath of the Lich King and not be left behind?

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World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King has now been released, and lots of people are already playing it! There are new zones, death knight, new battle grounds and 10 new levels to pound your way through.

What's the best and fastest way in leveling from 70-80?

The fastest way to level up is through doing quests, and the challenge is to find the fastest way to do most of the quest in the least possible amount of time. This means that getting and finding the fastest route available. This is a fair playing ground for all players to be in the same playing field. But because of beta servers, there are lots of warcraft players that were able to experience Wrath of the Lich King ahead of the rest. They have an edge in being familiar with the new zones, new dungeons, and many more. Those who get to the cap of 80 quickly will find themselves alone in the end instance and type raids, and they will be reaping all the rewards. But for those who will experience 70-80 for the first time will probably grind their way to that cap of 80.

Now there are those people who are in beta who mapped out the new quests, battled through the 10 levels in order to discover what to do, keep notes on their routes, then help others on quests on the expansion. And some of them have released their own guides to help improve the game.

What will this do for your leveling from 70-80?
This will mean that you will have a reference for the quests, you will have someone who will share their knowledge and familiarity of WOTLK through the beta, and share their idea on how to get to level 70-80 in the least possible amount of time.

Leveling in Wrath of the Lich King will now be easy for two groups :
1. Those who were included in the beta and were familiar with the Northrend area and death knights, as well as the professions, quests, and many more.
2. Those that receive help from those who were included in the beta to level the playing field.

Do you want to get left behind, or always be one step ahead of everyone else in Wrath of the Lich King?

Blizzard & Blizzard entertainment presents the new trailer for the WoW expansion pack which will release Q4 this year.

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Every time I grab a few hours away from the family for a little harmless escapism I end up with the same problem - World of Warcraft money is just as elusive as the real stuff. It can end up spoiling the game for you - endless grinding to gain gold is not escapism it's too much like real life.

So how can you gain more money in World of Warcraft?

Well you could of course use one of the many gold buying services - I have noticed the prices are plummeting so the competition must be increasing a lot. But to be honest I'd advised against it - apart from the obvious risks to losing your account (yes it could happen), buy encouraging this behaviour you are damaging the fabric and economy of the game. The problem is the economy on each server is so accurate that artificial imbalances affect everyone - the gold farmers who do this for a business have huge resources under their control. The prices in the Auction house can actually be affected by market forces - anyone with enough gold at their disposal and the right technique can alter the prices of the market.

But this is only one way that problems are caused the simple fact that there is so much real money involved here means that the quicker they can obtain gold - the more money they can make. World of Warcraft money is actually attracting people who are using viruses, trojans and keyloggers delivered through a variety of web pages and other methods to hack peoples accounts (and empty their inventories). Anyway I don't want to go all gaming purist on you - it is only a game after all but the downside of buying gold doesn't really seem worth it especially the banning possibility.

So what else can you to make some World of Warcraft money quickly

Well the best tip I have ever had is extremely simple - create an low level Alt and leave him at a convenient location by the Auction House - you can then mail him stuff to sell and use him as a sort of virtual piggy bank. It saves a huge amount of time running back and forth and all the aggravation that causes.

There are lots of other ways to make lots of money really quickly in World of Warcraft and they can be found in the best Gold making guides. However in many of these guides you'll find copied and pasted forum posts and half legible gibberish.

Well lucky for you if I am at my computer and there is a bottle of Australian Shiraz anywhere nearby I am liable to buy most anything to do with World of Warcraft so I've ended up buying most of them. They vary greatly - there are some fairly decent ones and some appalling ones written I suspect from the confines of a kindergarten.

One of even asked me for my account name and logon details ! Anyway if you'd like to read about which two I thought were the best check out my web page below.

Is making real world money on World of Warcraft legal and if it is, is it ethical? With a game as popular as World of Warcraft there will always be people who see money in it. Some players offer their services to play World of Warcraft for days to build a complete character with experience and assets. When the character is complete they sell the character for a lot of money. The person who bought the character does not have to go trough all the "boring" first levels and has an instant strong character to play with. Other players make money by creating add on's and other modifications is this bad? Is it legal? and is it ethical?

Well you can have some question about the ethical part, but almost all off these kind of activities are pretty harmless and it can even encourage more people to play World of Warcraft and of course pay the monthly fee for it.

But what about World of Warcraft Private Servers?

Most World of Warcraft private servers are in a legally vaguely defined area. Some of these World of Warcraft private servers are just created to take income away from the original game makers, in this case Blizzard. They conduct illegal practices just to lead gamers to their servers and away from the official World of Warcraft private servers.

There is however a completely different group of World of Warcraft private servers that are perfectly legal. They are almost all set up by serious World of Warcraft players who like to create a world that they have designed and where they have control over every little detail of the game. They can for example make the leveling easier or earn gold much quicker. In fact there are World of Warcraft private servers for everything you can imagine.

These World of Warcraft private servers are legal and you can try them out if you want to, the creators are just World of Warcraft enthusiasts who have created a world that they have designed and like to share it with other game enthusiasts. You can try it out because this is legal as long as you have payed for the original game. There are many of these World of Warcraft private servers available and you just need to do a little search online to find one you would like to try. With some of these servers you can even switch your officials World of Warcraft game over to these servers, which is not difficult at all. Some of the private servers are free, with others you need to pay a monthly fee, just as with the official game.

So as you can see there are ways to make money with games like World of Warcraft and most of these kind of activities are completely legal, and if its ethical? Well that is something you need to decide for your self. As far as we are concerned just have a whole lot of fun with World of Warcraft private servers.

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I'm a big believer in learning from others and avoiding their mistakes. It's particularly true in computer games and the people who have been playing for years longer than you are bound to know more about it - so when I started I read a World of Warcraft book. The problem is although this was a nicely bound players guide full of maps and tables that wasn't what I really needed.

I mean who reads tables with skill levels, damage ratios and all that stuff - the tables were so small I could barely read them anyway. My World of Warcraft book was very much like the Dungeon masters guide I have for playing D&D that's packed full of useful tables as well - can't believe I used to work out the proportional damage from a fall and multiply it by a dice roll.

No what you need with World of Warcraft is down to earth advice - practical things that make the game more fun that's why I always buy the unofficial guides written by people who are actively wasting their lives in World of Warcraft right now and justify it by creating some sort of guide. The irony here is that some of these authors make a small fortune out of these WoW gold guides. But hey good luck to them.

An example of one of the tips from a guide I read recently was very simple but effectively saved me hours - instead of me hurtling back and forth from the Auction house with my backpack full of goodies to offload simply create an alternative character and leave them conveniently located near an Auction House and a mailbox. You can then just mail your goodies back for your alt to offload at the Auction house - I mean how incredibly simple is that and yet it saves loads of time ! Why I didn't think of it is perhaps why I will never write a World of Warcraft Book although I might be more suited to the pointless table type of publication.

If you're interested in the two Gold guides about World of Warcraft that I was extremely impressed with visit my page and take a look. I have selected a few techniques which are detailed and now have plenty of gold it takes me no time at all to pick up a few hundred or even more when I need it.

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The Rogue class in World of Warcraft is a pretty decent leveler if you pay attention to the talent tree and work specifically on selecting talents that will be suitable for soloing, leveling and grinding as well. So here's my tips on how to put together the best Rogue leveling build to get you to level 70 fast.

Most players spec Rogue primarily for dagger or swords, with fists and mace being distant follow-up options. For leveling, the best choice is going to be Swords, especially if you solo a lot. In fact, you should pretty much expect to be soloing a lot with the Rogue.

Rogue Talent Trees

The three talent trees for Rogue are Assassination, Combat and Subtlety. For putting together the Rogue leveling build for Swords and the fastest leveling speed, you'll be mostly concentrating all your points into Combat. By speccing mostly from the Combat tree, you'll increase your hits and also reduce your healing and cool-down time because you'll be able to dodge hits yourself much more readily. Less downtime naturally leads to faster leveling. So I think Combat makes for a more efficient build.

Your most crucial talent as a Rogue is going to be Sinister Strike so make sure you put points into Improved Sinister Strike (from the Combat tree) as soon as you are able (level 10). You will basically be using Sinister Strike in combination with Eviscerate from the Assassination tree. Spec Improved Eviscerate by Level 20 at the latest. Between Sinister Strike and Eviscerate you can wipe out virtually any mob by basically mashing Sinister Strike and then following up with Eviscerate.

Also from the Combat Talent tree, Precision, Deflection and Riposte will do you some good. Deflection and Riposte work together so you can deflect blows and then increase the damage on your own hits. For kicks, get Slice and Dice and you can change it up with Eviscerate when you get bored with that.

Keep speccing Combat, picking up the Duel Wield Specialization along the way. Ultimately though, your goal is to pick up Blade Flurry and Adrenaline Rush. They are a great DPS combination. Blade Flurry lets you attack two opponents and Adrenaline Rush increases your energy regeneration by 100% which makes it awesome!

Now if you want to balance out some talents from the Assassination tree, they will come in handy as mobs get tougher to kill. Malice, Ruthlessness and Relentless Strikes are particularly useful for laying on the damage, but you won't need them quite as much at lower levels so you might as well wait to spec them.

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This article will tell you more about whether or not you really need a Horde Leveling guide for World of Warcraft in order to level faster. It certainly is quite a tough game and there is loads of quests and areas to explore and at times you will probably find yourself running about like a headless chicken, just like I have!

Although do these Horde Leveling Guides really help you to level faster?

Well the truth is it depends on how much time you have to play the game and what sort of player you are as well!

If you want to get all the professions and do all the dungeons and instances in WOW then you might not need a Horde Leveling Guide to help you as it does not matter how much time it takes you to get to level 70 and the instances and dungeons with a good group or guild will soar you through the levels anyway!

However if you want to get to level 70 as fast as possible and are not really that bothered about the instances and the extras then a good Horde Leveling Guide can really help you.

What is contained in a Horde Leveling Guide?

Well normally a horde leveling guide has been written by a speed leveler for World of Warcraft and this basically means someone who starts a brand new server on the game and times themselves running through the levels to get the fastest playtime. As you can imagine it would take many weeks or years of playing to find the fastest route through the game so this is quite an achievement!

Then they write a guide showing you the path that they took and they normally contain maps and text that tell you what to do to level faster.

So they can be very helpful and if you are getting a bit sick of the game and do not really think that you have enough time to invest then it is worth looking at.

Or what you could do is just go to Wowhead.com and this is a big database of all the quests on World of Warcraft and look up the particular quest you are on. This will involve swapping between the game and the web but it is free so this is enough viable option.

I hope this article has told you a bit more about what a Horde Leveling guide can do for you and also given you a free resource that helps you level faster.

Happy Questing!


Head: 14,500 honor + 30 AV marks (20-32 res) Sockets: 1 meta + 1 red OR 1 yellow, Socket Bonus +4 res.
Shoulder: 11,250 honor + 20 AB marks (18-24 res) Sockets: 1 yellow + 1 red OR 1 blue, Socket Bonus +3 res.
Chest: 14,500 honor + 30 AB marks (20-28 res) Sockets: 1 yellow + 1 red + 1 yellow OR 1 red, Socket Bonus +4 crit OR spell crit OR res.
Legs: 14,500 honor + 30 WSG marks (21-36 res) Sockets: none.
Hands: 10,500 honor + 20 AV marks (14-28 res) Sockets: none.
Total: 65,250 honor + 50xAV marks + 50xAB marks + 30xWSG marks.

Wrist: 11,794 honor + 20 WSG marks (12-19 res) Sockets: 1 red OR 1 yellow, Socket Bonus: +2 res OR +2 spell OR +2 str OR +3 str.
Feet: 17,850 honor + 40 EOTS marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Waist: 17,850 honor + 40 AB marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Ring: 15,300 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Ring: [link=http://www.wowhead.com/?items=4&filter=sl=11;na=veter17,850 honor + 40 EOTS marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Waist: 17,850 honor + 40 AB marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Ring: 15,300 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Ring: [link=http://www.wowhead.com/17,850 honor + 40 EOTS marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Waist: 17,850 honor + 40 AB marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Ring: 15,300 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Ring: [link=http://www.wowhead.com/17,850 honor + 40 EOTS marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Waist: 17,850 honor + 40 AB marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Ring: 15,300 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Ring: [link=http://www.wowhead.com/17,850 honor + 40 EOTS marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Waist: 17,850 honor + 40 AB marks (21-31 res) Sockets: none.
Ring: 15,300 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Ring: 11,934 honor + 10 AV marks (22 res) Sockets: None.
Neck: 15,300 honor + 10 EOTS marks (18 res) Sockets: 1 yellow Socket Bonus: +3 stam
Back: 7,548 honor + 20 AB marks (16 or 19 res) Sockets: None.
Total: 97,576 honor + 60xAB marks + 50xEOTS marks + 20xWSG marks + 20xAV marks.

Main/One-Hand (non caster): 18,000 honor + 20 EOTS marks (10 res) Sockets: none.
Off-hand (non caster): 9,000 honor + 20 EOTS marks (10 res) Sockets: None.
Two-Hand (non caster): 27,000 honor + 40 AV marks (28 or 36 res) Sockets: None.
Main-Hand (caster): 25,200 honor + 20 EOTS marks (18 res) Sockets: None.
Off-hand (caster): 9,000 honor + 20 EOTS marks (15 res) Sockets: None.
Two-Hand (caster): 27,000 honor + 40 AV marks (25 res) Sockets: None.
Main-Hand (healer): 25,200 honor + 20 EOTS marks (18 res) Sockets: None.
Off-hand (healer): 9,000 honor + 20 EOTS marks (15 res) Sockets: None.
Shield: 15,000 + 20 EOTS marks (29 res)
Thrown/Wand: 8,000 + 10 EOTS marks (12 res) Sockets: None.
Ranged: 27,000 honor + 40 AV marks (12 res) Sockets: None.
Libram/Idol/Totem: 8,000 honor + 10 EOTS marks (0 res) Sockets: None.

Fastest Wow Gold GuideSo you have played World of Warcraft, but you still want to own that epic flying mount that everyone else seems to have. Or maybe you're still in the process of leveling up but you want to have blue items to make it go faster. Well this quick 4 step process will make you gold wealthy if your 70 or even before you hit 70.

#1 Professions

First the easiest way to make gold in World of Warcraft is to have two gathering professions. Such as mining/skinning or herbalism/skinning. I myself prefer one of those two options over mining/herbalism as both require use of your mini-map which is not possible. You can use this two profession tactic while you level or even if you have already hit 70. Once you max out these profession you will be rolling in the gold by selling your items on the auction house.

#2 Questing

Now this may seem like second nature to some but don't be surprised when I tell you that some people prefer to grind questing. Now if your goal is to make money then questing and using a leveling guide is your best bet. Grinding will not get you the normal gold flow that questing can bring. I recommend saving a continent in outland as well such as Netherstorm or Shadowmoon valley to complete quests after you're 70 for the major gold per quest.

#3 Auction House

The next step is to play the auction house. Once you have made a good chunk of gold, download a mod like auctioneer or just investigate the different prices yourself. If you see an item selling for well below what it should buy it out and relist it with your new better price. I myself made a ton of gold doing nothing but this one night in Iron Forge and you can do it too. It just requires about 1000 of your own gold to get started so you will want to be using steps one and two before doing this one.

#4 Primals + Crafting Profession

Finally the fourth and final step to have you rolling in the gold. Now that you have made tons of gold selling your collected drops from mining/skinning/herbalism its time to spend some gold to powerlevel a crafting profession. If you are in a raiding guild or can at least get some high end recipes crafting will guarantee you more gold per item then gathering ever could. I use to craft and sell spellstrike pants for 900 gold a piece and then upsell them at 1500 gold. The other step to do is grind for motes. Such as fire, water, earth, mana, life. I use to collect 70+ motes of mana in netherstorm per hour. That equals 7 primal manas at 30g a piece your looking at 210 gold an hour. Not bad for a days work.

Of course there is always the final option of just buying gold, but that will require your own real money.

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WOW Fast Leveling - How is it Done? Find Out Here!If you want to know how to level fast in WOW then this article will tell you some things that you can try to level faster.

The hardest thing I think about World of Warcraft is knowing which way to go and what to do next as it is quite an open game and as a rule you do not get any set way points so you can find yourself running around for ages not knowing what the best thing to do is to level your player.

Well the only way that you can get use to this and find out how to level fast in WOW is to keep on playing however to get you started here are some tips you can use to make you go faster:

1. Make sure that you level up all your equipment as you go through the levels as if you have got duff equipment this really makes a difference in how much damage you can take from enemies and so on.

2. Also remember not to just level up your equipment as mentioned above but to make sure that you level up your spells and talents by going to your home city and visiting your trainer there. This needs to be done about every 5 levels to make sure that you get all your latest spells.

3. Also try to link your quest together because as you may have noticed a lot of the quests can be linked together and this can make a difference when you go and hand them in as you will be getting more XP and not have to keep on running backwards and froward all the time which wastes a lot of time.

Also if you really want to level fast then you may want to consider your class. As some classes in the game are better for soloing and others are better to do the game in a group.

If you want to level fast then the best class is a hunter as you get a pet so in a way it is like having 2 of you. It is also one of the easier classes to get used to!

I hope this article has given you some tips that you can use to level fast in WOW and hope that you get to level 70 soon!

Happy Adventuring!

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Anyone who may be considering spending money on power leveling services or a WoW leveling guide may want to read this article before spending any money. There are literally hundreds of people selling a WoW leveling guide and the fact is many of them are either outdated information or simply not worth the cost of the guide. There are some very good guides and programs available and I have tried out dozens of them.

When it comes to World Of Warcraft Leveling services, do not waste your time or your money. Why would you pay the hundreds of dollars that they charge to power level a toon to 70 and then what are you going to do, pay it again to have an alt toon leveled? A good WoW leveling guide will allow you do level as many toons as you want for a single guide purchase.

If you decide to purchase power leveling from a service be advised that, if caught, you risk having your account banned and you lose all of your efforts. Another thing to consider is you will have to give a leveling service access to your account. Many times these services will strip toons of anything that sells so they can make more gold and sell to other characters. These companies know that there is nothing you can do because if you complain to Blizzard they are going to lock your account for using a service.

When it comes to WoW leveling guides, there are almost too many on the market to talk about. A good World of Warcraft power leveling guide should take you step-by-step through the game, from level 1-70, and help you become a better player in the process. They should not be just a cut and paste guide from free information all over the web. A WoW leveling guide should also be written by a player who is familiar with the game and who uses the secrets that they put into their guide to level their own toons to 70. Some guides are written by writers who have never played one minute of World of Warcraft, and their guides make no sense when you read them.

Of course, there are a few great guides out there that will truly help any World of Warcraft player go from a "noob" to a 70 in no time at all. These guides are done by great players who can level a toon to 70 in less than a week. WoW leveling guides come in the form of a written e-book and some are now in the form of game add-on modules that install into your gaming interface and provide real-time direction as you play.

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A lot of people that play World of Warcraft soon find that it is a very tough game and just to get to a decent sort of level for your mount and to be able to join in with instances can be quite hard work. This article will give you some tips that you can use to level up fast in WOW and spill the beans on the secrets that the pros use.

There is really no overwhelming secret to being able to level fast in WOW however once you have been through the entire game with one of your characters it does get somewhat easier.

Here are 3 tips to help you level super fast:

1. Make sure that when you start the game you get all the quests that are available to you and as a rule you will move onto the next area every 10 levels or so as a rule of thumb make sure you clear a whole area before moving on. The reason for this is because you do not want to be fighting beasts and humans well above your level unless you have a big group of you.

2. Also make sure that you grind everywhere while on your way to different destination as this can make a difference with your leveling bar. Also the yellow colored beasts are worth killing because they do not attack you and for that reason you will not get many of them that add to you. They are worth a lot of experience though as they tend to be a few levels higher than most mobs around the same area.

3. Another good tip is to make sure that you start doing the raids and instances as soon as you can. Normally you will have to wait till you are level 20 but is well worth taking the time to do this as you will get a lot of drops and weapons that you can use well above your level and they will give you that extra.

If you follow the above tips then you should have no problems leveling up faster and if in doubt try to join a guild that can help you and also you should get use of the guild bank by doing this and you will be able to get far better equipment.

I hope this article has helped show you that there is no secret to leveling in WOW except a lot of time put into the game and hope it helped you out.

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Are you searching for methods of farming gold in World of Warcraft? There are many strategies and tips available on the internet, but most of those free tips I found are useless and not the best ones I have tried. Being a good gold farmer requires you to understand the economics of buying and selling gold and knowing where to farm for the best items.

1. What Is The Main Concept You Need To Know For Effective Gold Farming In World Of Warcraft?

The most important concept that professional players understand is that they know how to take advantage of buying low and selling high tactics. This is the biggest thing you must learn if you want to have success with World of Warcraft gold.

2. Why Understanding Buy Low And Sell High Is Important For Gold Farming

By simply having a good understanding of the economics in the Auction house and knowing what items people will pay good money for, you can easily start making much more gold since you know what are the items you need to farm. Better players also know how to buy such items for low prices and resell them for maximum profit at the Auction House.

3. Farming Gold In World Of Warcraft With The Right Mindset

Once you understand the Auction House thoroughly, you can proceed to farm in areas where the mobs will drop items that are in high demand. Another good strategy is to wait for the item you want to sell to become sold out before listing it for auction. This gives you more bargaining power and allows you to charge higher prices. You can check out the website link below to read the best Wow gold making guide that I have used to make lots of Wow gold fast.

Do you want to learn how to make gold in Wow quickly and easily? Some Wow gamers resort to buying gold at hefty prices from Chinese gold farmers, which is a huge waste of money in my opinion. Once players learn how to do it properly yourself, they usually feel the same way too.

1. Is Grinding A Good Method?

Grinding is actually one of the most efficient ways of making gold in the World of Warcraft. This is how most Chinese gold farmers get their gold, usually with a bot, and then to sell for high prices. It is an easy way that anyone can use to make as much Wow gold as they want.

When you are grinding for gold, you should go places where there will be good drops like greens and blues and textiles that you can easily resell for a lot of gold at the Auction House. Areas with more humanoids opponents would be the most ideal locations.

2. Drawbacks Of Grinding

Grinding can be very boring when you are doing it manually for hours. Although Chinese farmers use bots to perform their grinding tasks, you should not try it or you will get banned by Blizzard if they find out about it. There are many time-effective strategies that make a lot of gold quickly too.

3. Using The Auctioneer Mod

This is a mod that you should definitely download and use. It will help you with many tasks at the Auction House.

4. Questing And Professions

Once you cross level 50, it becomes much easier to make lots of gold using professions like combining mining with jewelcrafting. Crafting jewels for spells can sell for a lot of gold at the Auction House. You can check out the website link below to read the best Wow gold making guide that I have used to make lots of Wow gold fast.

Are you looking for the most effective World of Warcraft gold making tips? Making Wow gold is a very important and necessary skill that all Wow players need to have if they want to be able to afford the best items and weapons they want to buy. This is so that they can level their characters faster.

1. Where Are The Best Places To Make World of Warcraft Gold?

There are many locations that are suitable for making Wow gold, and below are some of the most popular places that players have always used to gather gold at faster speeds.

2. North West Plaguelands

You can go to the Scarlet City and make lots of gold off the Scarlet Spell Binders in the North West Plaguelnds. They will also drop recipes and formulas of spells that you should be able to sell for a lot of Wow gold at the Auction House.

The Sentinels and Scarlet Priests in this area have also been known to drop epic items and rune cloth that are worth a lot of money.

3. Eastern Part Of Western Plaguelands

There is a place called The Weeping Cave in the Eastern Part of the Western Plaguelands. By killing all the mobs in this area, you can find a lot of recipes drops that will help you make a lot of World of Warcraft gold quickly.

Of course, these strategies are just the tip of the iceberg. I have learned many more powerful strategies and the best locations from many online Wow gold strategy guides that I have read. You can check out the website link below to read the best Wow gold making guide that I have used to make lots of Wow gold fast.

Well frankly I don't like it but unfortunately while striding through the wilds of Aseroth - I have a major dilemma - I'm broke. Not completely broke mind you - just not able to afford the best things in life - not unlike my real life - which doesn't feel entirely fair. Mind you World of Warcraft Money has always been a bit of an enigma to me - everyone else seems to earn it much more easily than me.

Although I don't like it - I have looked at ways of getting a few extra gold coins. Frankly grinding away earning gold bores me stupid - but in World of Warcraft money is vital to buy the best things in the game. I can't say I was too keen in purchasing gold - although the clandestine meeting where the gold was passed to me in a rolled up sack at midnight behind the stormbank quite appealed. But then again I was bound to find the Blizzard undercover agent who was out to entrap utter noobs like me. I did have a happy half hour remembering all my favourite spy films though - remember Harry Lime - no of course you don't this is about World of warcraft money isn't it.

World of Warcraft Money making Guides

So how do I earn some cash - I turned in fact to some of the money making guides that are for sale - still not overly keen on paying for this sort of information - I did clear it in my mind - if the purchase made my online time that much more pleasurable and saved me months of my usual pathetic money making attempts - buy low - and sell well erm lower - then it was probably worth the small investment.

The growth of Digital information products is probably built on the same decision making process - how much am I willing to pay for the information I need -in my case about World of Warcraft money. This did make it easier and after all the guys who wrote these things had spent many, many hours researching, trialling and perfecting these methods and then preapring all the reports and documentation - so if I got decent documentation it seemed a good purchase.

Now I'm not sure exactly what sort of person creates a huge guide to World of Warcraft money making but two thoughts do cross my mind.

1) Thanks for figuring all this out for me.
2) I suspect they spend way too much time playing this game!

World of Warcraft is a fantastic game but there are some extremely boring bits and these inevitably seem to revolve around money making. I tried quite a few of these guides and I am afraid they are a very mixed bag. There are a few that are not however and one of these is by Wayne Williams - one of the Rockafellers of World of Warcraft Money.

You get quite a lot of stuff for your money - a huge guide to making money in WoW, lots of step by step guides complete with lots of screen captures to help explain the concepts. there are specific instructions on how to perform these and I don't think many players would have the knowledge of many of these World of Warcraft Money Making schemes. Some really surprising methods that I am quite sure would have continued to elude me without this guide.

There is also a mining map guide which shows you the very exact spots for the most profitable mining - needless to say I'd managed to avoid all of these as well ! The other major bonus is the Auction House guide -which is extremely good - many reports write very vague tips around World of Warcraft Money making in the auction houses but Wayne actually delivers videos of his techniques so you can see the exact process he is following. All the methods are thus explained very well and clearly.

There's also a really well written Basics guide for anyone new to World of Warcraft.

The guides are all well written and delivered - particularly the videos, there are so many new and innovative ways to make World of Warcraft money very quickly - that there's bound to be one to suit your style of play. I believe the product is definetely worth the money purely as it will save many, many hours earning gold which can be better used in the game.

If you want to learn the secrets of World of Warcraft Money making - you'd definitely be advised to buy this guide.

The9 and Blizzard launched WOW in China on June 7, 2005 and in less than one month the game exceeded 1.5 million paying players and continues to grow at an breakneck rate. Currently, out of the more than 8 million World of Warcraft players reported by Blizzard, 3.5 m are Chinese, making Blizzard's creation the most popular online game in the South Asian country.

Because of the popularity of the game, the profit is rather considerably huge.

"The9 said it posted $66.3m in second quarter 2008 revenue, an immense 69 per cent increase from the same period last year. The lion's share of revenue came from being the Chinese proprietor of the immensely popular online role-playing game, World of Warcraft. Revenue from running subscription-based games was $60.7m - contributing over 90 per cent of the company's earnings."

While the wealth comes to the game company, the negative side comes to be seen gradually.

It is not long before people begin to understand the danger of the game addict, and try to educate especially the young generation to be far away from MMORPG, like World of Warcraft, but all the efforts seems in vain.

During my campus life two years ago, I had the experience to tutor a problem boy aged 16. He was shy. The first time we met, I asked him to sit down, while he preferred to stand there, with his two hands crossed upon his stomach. He was trembling and never looked into my eyes when he was speaking or rather murmuring.

He was at the third year of middle school and soon would attend the high school entering examination, which is a crucial point for Chinese young kids. He was good at school grades two years ago, but now he can hardly pass lessons like Chinese, English, Science, English etc. His elder sister complained: he is a smart kid, only too addicted to the online game, especially World of Warcraft online. He spent almost all his spare time during the past two years playing wow. When I asked him to why he stopped reading English, he simply replied he couldn't put his mind on it. He was too indulged himself in World of Warcraft.

There was the other side of the coin. When I asked him about future, he was so resolute that he was determined to have a game career. That's good but there will be a long way. Maybe he can find his way out. Maybe.

Not long before, there was the news that a Chinese 17 year old kid pours gasoline all over his classmate. When the reporter asked why he did it, the boy claimed he had lost himself in World of Warcraft and when he committed the crime he had transformed into a Fire Mage.
Besides under-aged players, the adults get their own problems too. Lin, Feng, Gui and Hua are colleagues. They play for weeks trying to move up 50 levels. All of them eating junk food, drinking Rockstar energy drinks to stay awake and not stopping to use the bathroom. As a result they become obese and unsociable with horrible acne and a lack of motivation while trying to defend themselves against a player who has reached the maximum level.
So is World of Warcraft all bad that people can be better off without it?
Imagine if there were no World of Warcraft this game at all, wouldn't people create other successful "wow"?
Besides the game design, which emphasizes the time you spend rather than the skill you master, the players or the social environment are most responsible for their tragedies or whatever comes to them. And every one in the society takes his place to make how the society looks like.

Author: As an ordinarily Chinese game fan herself, Juliet experienced the debut of World of Warcraft in china and the consequences brought to her nation and people close to her. As a wow gold businesswoman herself, she always puts her morals before any possible profit.

WoW Hunter Guide - The Best Solo Hunter Build For Fast Leveling in World of WarcraftWithout a doubt, the Hunter is the easiest class to level fast in World of Warcraft, but you can increase the Hunter's edge substantially by paying attention close attention to the talent tree. So here are my suggestions for the best hunter build for leveling solo as fast as possible.

When it comes to some of the other classes, such as the Druid or Paladin, there are almost too many options that could lead to great results so a little action paralysis can take hold if you're trying to sort out your WoW character build. Fortunately, you have it pretty easy as a hunter, because the beast mastery talent tree is by far the preferred choice to start creating the best solo hunter build for your character. There's no contest.

The big difference between WoW hunters and other classes in World of Warcraft is the hunter's unique ability to command pets. And the pets provide not only their great tanking abilities, but some of them, such as the cat, are significant damage dealers as well.

You get your first pet at level 10. There are all kinds of pets to choose from so you should select a pet that you like. There really isn't a "best" pet as such, so don't worry about that too much. Just choose one that you find fun as long as it has the features that you prefer -- whether that is better armor for tanking or increased DPS.

Beast Mastery Talent Tree

Since the Pet is the hunter's primary advantage, you'll want to spend your talent points making the most of it and that means spending most of your points in the Beast Mastery tree.

The "must haves" for the Beast Mastery tree are, in my opinion:

* Bestial Swiftness
* Unleashed Fury
* Improved Mend Pet
* Ferocity
* Intimidation
* Frenzy

I like anything that reduces restoration time so that's why I'm a fan of picking talents that cut mana cost. Bestial Swiftness increases your pet's outdoor speed (always a good thing) and the rest will be useful for DPS.

Marksmanship Tree

While you'll be spending most of your talent points in Beast Mastery, don't neglect your rifle and bow. Be certain to spend some points on marksmanship as well as this will make your far more formidable.

I like Efficiency for reducing my mana cost, and also Lethal Shots for a nice increase in critical strike. After that spend the points where you like.

You can pretty much safely skip anything on the Survival tree. If you really want to come up with the best solo hunter build, then you'll want to concentrate most of your points on Beast Mastery and put the rest into Marksmanship. Done properly, no one will get near you often enough to make Survival talents necessary.

Is World Of Warcraft Becoming A Religion?It is an understatement actually to say that the World of Warcraft and all its myriad expansions have captivated the attention of the gaming world like no other MMORPG ever has. Ever since the launch of this game in 2004, the game has gone from strength to strength. Today it stands as the highest played MMORPG in the world, boasting of the largest number of subscribers in comparison to any other game that has ever been released in the genre.

Today, the entire World of Warcraft legion of fans numbers an astounding eight million, which is clearly a greater number by far than the population of most of the nations around the globe! At a quick glance, there are about 2 million players in North America alone, Europe has more than 1.5 million players and China stands at a staggering 3.5 million avid players for this mega franchise. Clearly, World of Warcraft is not just a game - it is well on its way of becoming a major worldwide phenomenon. And we are not talking just about the gaming world here!

The greatest attraction of the World of Warcraft, as most of its dedicated players would say, is the scope to evolve within the game from a struggling lowlife to a strategist. People could evolve up to 60 levels in the original Warcraft. But with The Burning Crusade patch, players can hope to go up to 70 levels and the yet to be released patch of Wrath of the Lich King will bring up the level to 80.

With so many people playing World of Warcraft from all over the world all the time, it is no surprise that a separate lingua franca has evolved for the game. Players who are engrossed in the game can converse with each other through the game's interface, using terms from the game itself.

The number of players for the World of Warcraft hasn't dwindled in the years after its release, and there seems to be no chance for it to happen in the near future. It is not wrong to say that among the reverent gaming population of the world, the World of Warcraft is nothing short of a religion.

SUMMARY: The World of Warcraft is the highest played MMORPG in the world, in terms of number of paid subscriptions. For this huge player domain of this astoundingly successful game, the game is nothing short of a religion.

Lloyd Burns has been playing World of Warcraft for over 2 years now and is the master at this game.

How to Make Money in WOWMaking money in World of Warcraft isn't hard, but many players struggle in their early levels with barely enough gold to pay their bar bill at the Pig & Whistle (Stormwind). They get caught up in the daily grind for experience or simply hanging out with friends at the Darkmoon Faire and lose site of the fact the making money in the world of Azeroth is a fundamental part of the game.

While some players are happy to muddle through levels 20 and 30 cash poor, they suffer a crisis of gold as they approach level 40 when they realize the amount of gold they must farm if they are to purchase their first mount. For many players, this results in hours of grinding mobs in a given zone in the vain hope of making enough wow gold before they hit the magic level 40. Players can avoid this trap if they ease back on the free ale at brewfest and invest some of their time in learning a little about the wow economy.

Now listen closely, friend, for the secret of plenty of wow money is to learn about the wow economy from the start and to adopt one of the many money making strategies that Blizzard has built into the game. Simply put, the wow economy follows the same basic rules of supply and demand as with any other economy. Blizzard have been clever in the design of the game and has built in demand for many items. All it takes to earn money in wow is to supply those items to a hungry group of buyers.

But what items are in demand in wow?

In general, items in constant demand are those that are classified as 'Trade Goods' in the Auction House. You're probably familiar with most of these which include items such as Cloth, Stone, Ore, Hide and Gems. These are all the basic materials (mats) that players need on a fairly constant basis for their crafting professions. Tailors need cloth, Leatherworkers need hide and Engineers need a mountain of metal made from the ore.

You get the general idea!

Those players that choose one of the gathering professions (Mining, Skinning and Herbalism) early on in the game will always have a ready market for their gathered mats at the Auction House and will generally earn more money than they would from simply grinding.

When Blizzard brought out the Burning Crusade, they introduced a new type of gathered material needed by high-end crafters called Primals. Now that many players have taken up arms against the Burning Legion and joined the Burning Crusade there's a great demand for Primals and the basic units needed to create them called Motes.

I've written elsewhere on the subject of Primals and the making of wow gold once into level 60 and beyond on my Blog where you will find many more articles on the making of easy money and the wow economy in general.

So here's a tip, as one old Mage said to his apprentice upon leaving the tavern with an empty purse: "Money can't buy happiness, but it can buy beer!"

How to Create Gold in World of WarcraftEarning Gold is crucial in World of Warcraft. Player cannot survive in the game without Gold. There are many ways you can earn Gold, legal and illegally. Generally, there are five basic ways people make gold in the world of warcraft.

Gathering. There are many things you can gather in the game. The items you can gather such as leather, herbs, ore, linen, fish, wool, stones, gems and many more. Many players begin to make gold by gathering. If you can find rare items such as rare herb, you can get several gold for it. The benefit of becoming a gatherer is you don't have to spend gold to earn gold. All you need is the time to gather the items. A reminder for new gatherers, always sell your item at the auction. Even if there is no one interested to buy your items, keep on posting it in the auction and soon you will get a buyer. Constant buyer is always out there waiting to buy the right items. You can get more information at Top Wow Leveling Guide.

Farming. It is not recommended to start farming is you are below level 40. Usually farming is taken by players with level 55 or more. To do farming, you need to kill named boss a few times to get a drop. However, beware that farming will take more time than gathering to make gold but the payout would be higher, as much as 3%. There is a possibility that you can make 20g or 200g and even 2000g a day depends on the drops of the day. You can check www.thottbot.com to see the drop rate. Remember to always sell your item at the auction. There are more people in the auction on weekends, as much as 3 times during normal weekdays. A tip to remember, always sell the items on Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Keep the items in the bank from Monday to Thursday.

The Crafter. If you are not the type who likes to gather, then be a crafter. However, you need to have about 10 to 20 Gold to spend as you will need to buy ingredients whether you want to venture into leatherworking, blacksmithing or alchemy and tailoring. This is not recommended for those who just started to make Gold as you might not have the experience to earn Gold using this method and in the end you earn nothing at all. You can learn more about making Gold at Top Wow Leveling Guide.

Buy low and sell High. To be able to buy low and sell high, you must have some Gold first at least 10 Gold to get started. The strategy is simple. What you need to do is to buy items at the lowest price and sell them back at a higher price. Always watch out for items with WTS (Want To Sell). Usually players who sell items this way want to get Gold fast so what you can do is send them a private message asking how much the items cost or simply saying that you will offer X amount of Gold for it. Then you negotiate with the seller to get the lowest price but keep in mind, you must keep the price below the selling price or else you will not gain any profit. You need to know the market price for the items you intend to buy and learn the Supply vs. Demand rules and regulation. If you can do this well, you can earn between 1 to 2000g of Gold in one day.

Control the market. To control the market, you have to have at least 10g of Gold but 200g of Gold would be better to start off. What you do is identify a market, large glimmering shards for our example, and start to up the price on it. What you do is to identify a market such as large glimmering shards and start to up the price on it. A stack of one large glimmering shard is selling for 90 silver. Let's say there are 10 shards up at the Auction House. To control the market, you would have to buy out all of the large glimmering shards. Then, you would go back and sell them for any price you want to set as you are the only supply for large glimmering shards. Let's sell them for 1 gold 80 silver. The truth is that people are used to buying at 90 silver and will not buy them for the first week. At the same time, you must have at least 3 to 5 items up at any given time for the price you have set. If they are not yours but are at 1 gold 80 silver, it would not be a problem. If someone puts them up for less, immediately buy them out. After about a week of doing this, people will start to accept that the price of a large glimmering shard is now 1.8g. Other people selling the shards will think that they have been selling at 1.8g, so they will put them up for that amount as well. Now, all you have to do is sell off all of your large glimmering shards at 1.8g and you just made twice what you invested at first.

Increase Your Level With Secret Tips From a WOW Engineering GuideWorld of Warcraft (WOW) engineering is a very fun and creative profession and to become even more successful you should read a WOW engineering guide. By reading a WOW engineering guide it will help you create all kinds of fantastic things that are fun to use and also entertain and amaze other players. The engineering profession is used to assemble metal and stones into parts needed to make explosives, guns, scopes, bullets, mechanical dragons, aquatic helmets, and much more. More than any other profession, engineering products requires several steps to be completed. Most items created by engineers can only be used by engineers. The great thing about being in this profession is that you can always create things you can sell to other players. Many engineering recipes require a lot of different parts before the item can be created. This will require more space in your bags than other professions so keep this in mind.

If you plan on going into the engineering profession you should do two things. The first thing is to read a good WOW engineering guide to sharpen your skills and the second is to make sure you've already become a World of Warcraft miner. Miners collect and smelt ore into bars to create the majority of engineering items. Engineer recipes often include jewels which are found in a variety of places. Typically, most engineers buy or are given rare jewels from other players. The auction house is a good place to buy gems if you can't mine them yourself. Some engineering recipes require leather which you will need to buy from a skinner or the auction house. You'll need to find a lot of other odd ingredients for your recipes. If you don't have them you'll need to purchased them from other players. Some items can actually be fished up with the fishing skill or found from monster drops or treasure chests.

WoW Quest Help For Solo LevelingIf you are like many new World Of Warcraft players you will often find yourself looking for WoW quest help. One of the most often asked questions I see in any of the realms I play in is "Where do I go to get quests at my level?"

When I first started playing the game I would often find myself stuck and trying to get WoW quest help on how to finish a quest or I would be completely stuck as to where to go to pick up quests when I hit a certain level range. This seems to happen to many players when they hit key mark levels at 30,40 and beyond.

It was completely frustrating to try and find someone who knew what I needed to do and was willing to help me out. You also have the group quests where you sometimes wait what seems like days to get someone to join and provide some WoW quest help so you can move on to the next set of quests.

I actually started using a couple programs that were designed to route you through only the best quests for solo leveling in the fastest time possible. These programs install right into the game and not only do they provide detailed information about where to go and what to do on a quest but they also tell you exactly what quest to do next. I found that I was able to level my toons much faster and had more time to group up for instances as well as do battlegrounds only when I wanted to get together with other players.

It seemed to make the game much less frustrating because I was able to hit the higher levels where we all know the game becomes more fun in a very short period of time.

These WoW Quest Helper programs are designed to allow players to follow the most efficient questing paths in the game for rapid leveling depending upon your race and class selection. They provide a very nice in game interface with way points directional arrows and quest details.

World of Warcraft Jewelcrafting Profession Gold Making Tips and GuidesWhether you have been playing World of Warcraft for ages and you feel like your game is at a standstill, or you have simply started playing and you don't know how to move forward at the rate at which you would like to move, you'll find that there are plenty of things that you can do to improve your situation, and that a lot of it has to do with taking a look at Jewelcrafting, which is the new profession that everyone is excited about when it comes to the Burning Crusade expansion. When you are looking to make the most out of this profession and to really push your character ahead, you'll find that there are a few things that you should keep in mind.

The first thing that you should remember is that every character class can reap enormous benefits from a jewelcrafter. You can make things that everyone needs, and because there are relatively few people who choose to both specialize and sell, you'll find that you can make a lot of gold this way. You'll be able to get plenty of benefits from making gems that will allow you to improve an attack or improve a defense or help generate more mana; its all about looking at what people want and at the end of the day, you'll find that everyone will be interested in what you have to offer.

When you are looking at Jewelcrafting, you'll find that it makes a lot of sense to pair this profession with a character who is already a miner. This will give you the most amount of benefit for the lowest cost to you; you'll be able to get plenty of ore and gems that you can work with easily. You'll also find that this will make the cost of practicing your trade less expensive and that you can to some extent control the supply. Sometimes the market is good but no one is selling. When you combine Mining with Jewelcrafting, you'll also find that you will get plenty of resources that you can sell, thus supporting your trade.

When you are in a situation where you want to move forward quickly in the game, remember that one of the most important ways to do so is to figure out how to make gold, and this is where Jewelcrafting comes in. Take a look around and you'll find that there are plenty of resources that can help you move forward and get you the results that you need.

Since reaching level 70 and buying my epic flying mount, I've been on the look out for bigger World of Warcraft bags to hold all my loot. When it comes to grinding and making gold, it's best to take heed of the Horde in this matter who have a saying: 'Da bigger da bags da better'!

As I'm hanging out less in the Pig & Whistle these days and spending more time in Outland, I've decided to partake in the hospitality of the World's End Tavern in the Lower City of Shattrath and pose at the bar with the likes of Haris Pilton - socialite (someone who likes to pose in bars). Since patch 2.4.3 Haris is now able to sell you a 22 slot "Gigantique" Bag. This nifty looking number, hangs nicely off the shoulder and is a perfect accessory for all level 70 Mages - but only if you can afford the 1200 gold!

The "Gigantique" bag is now the biggest general purpose bag on the market (excluding crafting bags which do come bigger), but if you don't think a Haris Pilton original is worth the 1200g, there is still the option to go down market and opt for a 20 slot Primal Mooncloth bag which sells for around half the price at auction, depending on your server.

Now the nice thing about general purpose bags is that they are not tied to a particular character level. This means even low level characters can equip high-end bags with many slots such as the 16 slot Netherweave bag (around 4-5g at auction) and the 18 slot Imbued Netherweave bag (around 50g at auction).

Interestingly, the "Gigantique" bag is bind on equip, which means that in theory it can be traded in the Auction House. I'm sure that as more players with plenty of gold visit the World End Tavern and find Haris Pilton we may well see some of these bags up for sale. So far they have yet to appear at auction on my server.

Marcus Ty is a level 70 Alliance Mage of Stormwind and has written extensively on the art and craft of making World of Warcraft Gold. His tips and strategies are chronicled in The Journal of Marcus Ty - Gold Making Guide. He also has a Gold Making Blog where you can read more of his articles.

Having a WoW Mage guide through a solo leveling talent build is by far the easiest way to level withing the game. A mage has so many options available for tremendous damage that if you know the right questing paths you can knock out levels at a tremendous pace.

Whenever I decide to roll a mage I use this WoW Mage guide talent build along with one of my rapid leveling World Of Warcraft quest helper programs to get to 70 very quickly and be able to get involved in raids and as we all know make tons of gold because level 70 is where the gold making gets easy.

Here is the WoW mage guide talent build I use for solo questing and leveling:

* Levels 10-14 - Improved Fireball (5/5)
* Levels 15-16 - Flame Throwing (2/2)
* Levels 17-21 - Ignite (5/5)
* Level 22 - Improved Fire Blast (1/3)
* Level 23 - Pyroblast (1/1)
* Levels 24-25 - Burning Soul (2/2)
* Levels 26-27 - Incineration (2/2)
* Levels 28-30 - Improved Scorch (3/3)
* Levels 31-33 - Master Of Elements (3/3)
* Levels 34-36 - PLaying With Fire (3/3)
* Levels 37-39 - Critical Mass (3/3)
* Level 40 - Blast Wave (1/1)
* Levels 41-45 - Fire Power (5/5)
* Level 46 - Combustion (1/1)
* Levels 47-49 - Pyromaniac (3/3)
* Levels 50-51 - Molten Fury (2/)
* Levels 52-56 - Empowered Fireball (5/5)
* Level 57 - Dragons Breath (1/1)

Here is what I add from the frost tree

* Levels 58-60 - Elemental Precision (3/3)

I also add from the Arcane tree to help with mana management

* Levels 61-63 - Arcane Focus (3/5)
* Levels 64-65 - Arcane Subtlety (2/2)
* Levels 66-70 - Arcane Concentration (5/5)

Using this WoW mage guide talent build along with one of the better WoW quest helpers for solo leveling will ensure you the fastest possible leveling time to 70 you can imagine.